Reprogramación de Sistemas y Procesos Microbianos Eucariotas y Procariotas

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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.

  • Hernáez ML, Ximénez-Embún P, Martínez-Gomariz M, Gutiérrez-Blázquez MD, Nombela C, Gil C.

    Identification of Candida albicans exposed surface proteins in vivo by a rapid proteomic approach.

    JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS . 73(7): 1404-1409. Nº de citas: 39


  • Insenser MR, Hernáez ML, Nombela C, Molina M, Molero G, Gil C.

    Gel and gel-free proteomics to identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell surface proteins.

    JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS . 73(6): 1183-1195. Nº de citas: 40


  • Galán-Díez M, Arana DM, Serrano-Gómez D, Kremer L, Casasnovas JM, Ortega M, Cuesta-Domínguez A, Corbí AL, Pla J, Fernández-Ruiz E.

    Candida albicans beta-glucan exposure is controlled by the fungal CEK1-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway that modulates immune responses triggered through dectin-1.

    INFECTION AND IMMUNITY . 78(4): 1426-1436. Nº de citas: 68


  • Clemente LF, Hernáez ML, Ramos-Fernández A, Ligero G, Gil C, Corrales FJ, Marcilla M.

    Identification of the Missing Protein Hyaluronan Synthase 1 in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Adipose Tissue or Umbilical Cord.

    JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH . 17(12): 4325-4328. Nº de citas: 1


  • Buenestado-Serrano S, Herranz M, Otero-Sobrino Á, Molero-Salinas A, Rodríguez-Grande C, Sanz-Pérez A, Durán Galván MJ, Catalán P, Alonso R, Muñoz P, Pérez-Lago L, García de Viedma D.

    Accelerating SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in a routine clinical setting with nanopore sequencing.



  • Corral-Tuesta C, Rodríguez Díaz-Pavón A, Montero-Errasquín B, Álvarez-Pinheiro CG, Lavilla-Gracia V, Cruz-Jentoft AJ.

    Chronic benzodiazepine usage among older people: prevalence, indications, and treatment modifications in patients admitted to an acute geriatric unit.

