King LK, Epstein J, Cross M, Buzzi M, Buttel T, Cembalo SM, Spitz E, Adams CL, Adebajo A, Bennell K, Blanco B, Courage U, Décary S, Gill M, Gill TK, Hajji R, Hinman RS, Jones A, Li LC, Mather K, Mani R, Nasef SI, Oo WM, Østerås N, Otobo TM, Ramiro S, Sharma S, April KT, Touma Z, Whittaker JL, Wluka AE, Grosskleg S, Hunter DJ, Shea B, Hawker GA, Callahan LF, March L, Guillemin F.. Endorsement of the domains of knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) fl are: A report from the OMERACT 2020 inaugural virtual consensus vote from the fl ares in OA working group