Proposals will be considered that leverage technological solutions to be more prepared for pandemic outbreaks or solutions that could help to fight emerging viral infections.

Pre-outbreak R&D Preparedness for pandemic disease:

  • Assessing the priority of pathogens and diseases with epidemic threat
  • Platform technologies to accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, vector control tools and delivery systems needed to control emerging health threats
  • Innovative technologies for better personal protection equipment for infection control

Response during outbreak:

  • Novel health technologies (e.g. AI, bioelectronics, diagnostics) for early screening of potential infected patients and treatment facilitation.
  • Fast-track identifying, testing and production of effective drugs and vaccines during outbreak


Las solicitudes deberán presentarse a través de la plataforma en este enlace.

Las solicitudes pueden enviarse en cualquier momento, las propuestas se evaluarán de forma continua. No hay fecha límite de solicitud.


Del al

(Plazos IRYCIS)

FinanciadorMERCK SERONO, S.A.

Cuantía500.000 €

Datos de contacto

Ana Moreno: ambofarull(ELIMINAR) / 91 336 9016

Laura Barreales: laura.barreales(ELIMINAR) / 91 336 8964

Más información