
Tipos de acción: Research and Innovation Action (RIA), una sola etapa.

Cierre: 31 de marzo 2020.

Presupuesto: 45 M€ de financiación pública. La contribución de EFPIA y miembros asociados de IMI, se determinará en función de las propuestas seleccionadas.

Topic: Development of therapeutics and diagnostics combatting coronavirus infection.

Scope: Considering that this is a newly-identified virus, the scope of this topic remains broad and must address at least one of the following objectives:

-          development of antivirals as well as other types of therapeutics to address a rapid response to the current COVID-19 outbreak;

-          development of therapeutics to address the current and/or future coronavirus outbreaks;

-          development of diagnostics, ensuring rapid evaluation of candidates based on existing technologies;

-          development of fast and reliable tools that go beyond the state of the art for detection of COVID-19 carriers and symptomatic individuals suspected of COVID-19 infection.

Preventive vaccines are specifically excluded from the scope of the Call.

Toda la información: www.imi.europa.eu/apply-funding/open-calls/imi2-call-21 Les recomendamos que lean detenidamente el documento de Questions and answers.

IMI realizó un webinar el día 5 de marzo, cuya presentación puede consultarse en esta dirección: 


Del al

(Plazos IRYCIS)

FinanciadorIMI2 y EFPIA

Datos de contacto

Ana Moreno: ambofarull(ELIMINAR)@salud.madrid.org / 91 336 9016

Laura Barreales: laura.barreales(ELIMINAR)@salud.madrid / 91 336 8964